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Writer's pictureDiane Race


Updated: Sep 9, 2020

'Go, go, go, that's all I ever hear.  I should have named you "Go" '. These words echo through my mind as I can recall mom as she mouthed these words time after time. My husband constantly told me that I was the "goingest" person he'd ever known.   

Sorry mom and Jackie (both in heaven). I absoultely love going and clicking the camera. If I had just sat at home, I would never have experienced life and  nature the way God intended us to enjoy it.

Because I like to go, I have been blessed to have visited most states in the United States. I have flown over Niagara Falls via helicopter, visited New York City, Washington, D.C.;  the Grand Canyon, Mt. Rushmore, the Great Smoky Mountains, Yellowstone National Park, the beautiful beaches of  Alabama and Florida, Alaska by Cruise, and much more. Each time I return to our great state of Arkansas, I realize how blessed I am to live in one of the most beautiful states in the U.S.

Genesis 1:31 - "God saw all that He had made and it was very good". Amen, it is VERY GOOD!

Click and go follow me and enjoy His works!  I love adventure.  You never know where I may show up and He show out!

Photos of me, getting out there and enjoying life!

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