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Writer's pictureDiane Race

Morning in the Country - Savoring the Morning Moment-Blogged June 14, 2014

Today is a beautiful day in the valley.  I decided to get up and enjoy my cup  of coffee on the front porch.  There is  a gentle breeze blowing, it's 75 degrees...a great way to start my morning.  Soon I will be off to a wedding, but right now I'm savoring the moment. 

Dustin bought me a bird feeder for Mother's day and I am thoroughly enjoying watching the birds.  They chatter amongst themselves and the blue jays squawk at everything.  The cardinals are my favorite, but they seem to be camera shy.  I'm sure you will see a lot of bird pictures in future.  I may have found a new hobby, bird watching.

There is nothing like the sounds of the country...the neighbor's rooster crowing, birds singing, the crickets chirping, cows mooing...perfect serenity...a little bit of heaven on earth.

I hope each one of you take one morning to experience early morning serenity.  A great way to start your day. 

Thank you God for this day and allowing me this time.

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